Pathway To A Higher
Level of thinking
About Us
The global pandemic has caused just about everyone who is affected to reassess their personal, family, community and work environments. These assessments are including the fundamental questions of:
Where do I fit in?
Am I happy where I am now?
What is a long-term solution for me and the people I care about?
Among other questions.
In order to help people address these questions and find the personal answers for them, the community at Roadway Intelligence (RI) has formalized as a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization.
Explore the possibilities
Unlock Your Potential
How can we help you
The basic concepts of the Community aspect is that it is possible to support a duality of worlds separates the challenges and stresses of the societal world from the goals and integrated support of the individual world. This allows a person to be able to utilize the skills and energy endowed by the higher power that brought them life and endowed them with unique skills and capabilities, to pursue a pathway to their maximal potential.
The lifestyle is a contemporary integration of structured mediation, collective consciousness energy, a tight support relationship with a person’s inner circle, observational awareness to help identify a coping strategy, and mastering new skills for communication.
CCS is a Tuition-Free Hands-On educational program that teaching industry approved video and media technology centered around broadcast technology
The Messaging group – consisting of trade publications, video production, and distribution on linear broadcast TV and Streaming are organized by Roadway Media
TL Network, which is an VOD OTT Network designed to broadcast the messages and voices of the Community through a modern Streaming Platform Internationally
Why choose us
The organization itself is focused around activities, messaging and education on how to manage stress, success & failure, identification of potential obstacles and planning how to move towards a goal on timely basis. A key component of this is the groups educational core. The education core not only presents and teaches the observational and mediation skills, but it teaches messaging techniques for video communication & broadcast that only will help expand the community goals, but also provide career opportunities to the community, that help maintain the duality of worlds structure.
News & Blog
Recent News
RI Announces Roberto Mendez Elevated to CEO
LIVERMORE, CA.——As part of the continuing restructuring of Roadway Intelligence, Founder Pallab Chatterjee is stepping away from the CEO role to be able to focus on the community activities and strategic directions of the group. Roberto Mendez, currently Education...
Announcing GoFundMe campaign for CCS
We are pleased to announce the GoFundMe campaign for the Corporate Certificate School (CCS). The campaign is to raise funds to cover the overhead costs of accelerating the launch of the certificate programs from September 2021 to September 2020 as a result of the...
CCS Announces First Session Dates
Roadway Intelligence and Corporate Certificate School is pleased to announce that the First Session of classes will take place from September 2020-November 2020 with a social distance compliant classrooms for in-class & hands-on courses. Classes are planned for an...
Welcome to Roadway Intelligence
Welcome to the new Roadway Intelligence. The changing social, technology, business, and individual climates had the founders restructure the group into a new organization for supporting the community of the past 30+ years and to build a foundation for a larger...